Day Begins

"As the leaves blow in the cool fall air, I am reminded that winter will soon be here. The hay is stored in the barn, the firewood in the shed, and meat and produce preserved, I feel secure. My family sleeps as I kindle a fire in the cookstove. The kitchen warms. Fresh eggs and milk, bacon for breakfast. I am a father, husband, farmer, hunter and provider. Another day has begun." RW

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Piglets have arrived!!!

After months of waiting and wondering, the piglets have arrived. A first here at Juniper Hill Farm, our new mom pig brought six healthy little piglets into the world, with a little helping hand from the Gatherer and Farmer. Number Six proved to be a little too big, so he needed a little encouragement. Six would be considered a small litter for the commercial guys, but we're happy to see our big sow be so careful and gentle with her tiny babies.

It's dinner time. With 12 nipples and six piglets there is plenty to go around.

After supper for Mama and babies, it's time for some shut eye.

Mama pig, we call her Perry, is always careful not to step on or lie on her young. The six piglets are full and dreaming of rooting in the garden later this summer.

Here's a close-up of "Red". He's too busy with supper to smile for the camera.

Tonight we gave the piglets an iron shot and clipped their needle teeth. We distracted mom with her supper while I "pignapped" her babes for a few minutes. Be careful with a mama pig, she doesn't like to hear her babies squeal. Luckily for me, Perry is good natured and she trusts me to be in her pen.

On another note, we have been glad to see such an interest in farming lately from our local friends. It seems that the rising food prices have got rural folks to be thinking about producing more of their own food. In these hard economic times families are gathering closer together to share their limited recources. With gasoline an nearly $4/gallon, we'll be staying close to home as well this summer. Remember, now is the time to be cutting your firewood for next winter. We'll be soon planting our garden for summer and fall harvest. As for food from away - JUST SAY NO. Buy local.

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