Day Begins

"As the leaves blow in the cool fall air, I am reminded that winter will soon be here. The hay is stored in the barn, the firewood in the shed, and meat and produce preserved, I feel secure. My family sleeps as I kindle a fire in the cookstove. The kitchen warms. Fresh eggs and milk, bacon for breakfast. I am a father, husband, farmer, hunter and provider. Another day has begun." RW

Friday, March 5, 2010

Late Night in the Sugar House

The sap really ran today. We raced around to beat the darkness and collected about 90 gallons of sap. This was our first really good run of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gang from Maine...what a fun blog! I look forward to reading more about the upcoming productions on the Juniper Hill Farm. I look forward to seeing you guys the next time we come to Maine...I know Jason misses you Reuben. I look forward to receiving some fresh maple syrup in the mail:)!! Oh so many things to look forward to!!! Say hi to Angela for me--Stacey
