Day Begins

"As the leaves blow in the cool fall air, I am reminded that winter will soon be here. The hay is stored in the barn, the firewood in the shed, and meat and produce preserved, I feel secure. My family sleeps as I kindle a fire in the cookstove. The kitchen warms. Fresh eggs and milk, bacon for breakfast. I am a father, husband, farmer, hunter and provider. Another day has begun." RW

Monday, August 31, 2015

Western Maine Tour 2015

With summer vacation coming to an end we decided to get off the farm for two days and take in a bit of western Maine beauty. Getting off the beaten path is more and more important to me as the kids get older and the speed of our daily lives seem to be almost unreal. Heading west (or northwest) in this case is something Mainers have been doing for hundreds of years. Some Wheeler's headed west in the early 1800's, but my line stayed on the home place to make it their own.

With a stop at the wire bridge in New Portland the kids and I marveled that the bridge sways so much but has stood since 1866.

A night at Uncle Ralph's camp seemed appropriate on this 2015 memory tour. My first visit was with my folks when I was only a month old. It seemed fitting that I do the driving this time, and Angela, the kids and I were glad that Mom & Dad could make the trip with us. Our "new" 2003 GMC Yukon XL seats 9 so we can fit us all and still have room for a cooler and our bags.

Celebrating 19 years of marriage, and now well into our 40's, Angela & I are showing some wear, but overall are in good condition. If this is what a mid-life crisis looks like, I LIKE IT.

Mom & Dad enjoyed the views on the trip as we visited the Height of Land overlooking MooseLookMeGunTic Lake, south of Rangley Lake. My childhood summer trips were spent mostly enjoying western Maine and northern New England. The hustle and bustle of coastal Maine and Route 1 never had much appeal for Dad and doesn't for me either. Leaving the WIFI behind and enjoying the simple things is such a treat. Next time you see your teenagers humped over their Iphones, texting, sexting, Instagraming or Facebooking you should wonder what memories they are creating.

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