Day Begins

"As the leaves blow in the cool fall air, I am reminded that winter will soon be here. The hay is stored in the barn, the firewood in the shed, and meat and produce preserved, I feel secure. My family sleeps as I kindle a fire in the cookstove. The kitchen warms. Fresh eggs and milk, bacon for breakfast. I am a father, husband, farmer, hunter and provider. Another day has begun." RW

Friday, March 16, 2012

Maine Maple Sunday - Sugarhouse Open

Visitors Welcome - Maine Maple Sunday

Where: Juniper Hill Farm
Home of: Reuben & Angela Wheeler & family
693 West Road, Bowdoin, Maine

When: Sunday, March 25, 2012 - An Open House from 10 AM – 4 PM

What: We will have our small family run Sugar House up and running, as well as family and kid friendly activities. Sugar Houses across the State of Maine are open for folks to come and enjoy this sweet New England tradition.

On our growing and developing family farm, we produce food and goods for our family such as maple syrup, goats’ milk, eggs, meat and garden produce, seasonally. We always love to share with others who are interested in learning about how we provide natural food for our family and like to help encourage others to see how farming may fit their life.

What to expect on Maine Maple Sunday:
•Visit the Sugar House and learn how maple syrup is made.
•Take a walk on the Sugar Trail – learn to identity some Maine native trees and other scavenger hunt activities.
•Journey to the Barn and meet our newborn baby goats as well as our other barnyard animals. Learn how we care for our dairy goats. The first chicks of the spring should be hatched in our small incubator as well.
•Enjoy Homemade Ice cream, Sweet Treats, Maine Made Pottery and other Special tidbits.

Remember that it is mud season in Maine, so for a more enjoyable experience on the Trails and in the Barnyard, bring your mud boots, warm clothes, and maybe a change of clothes for the little ones.

We look forward to seeing you on Maine Maple Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. What an AWESOME idea! We are just beginning our experience with providing home grown food for our family. Thanks for writing and helping with tips for others. I am sorry that I missed your open house, but will keep my eyes open for other events you might hold in the future!

    Sonja Twombly of
